
The eHEALTHINKING project is defined as an incubator of innovative ideas, while being an accelerator, facilitator and assessor platform for technological products and services with health and social impact.

The new challenges around chronic diseases and dependency are focused on facilitating communication and applying technological solutions to their problems and needs. This new approach requires an effective integration of all its protagonists around the health problem (its quadruple helix): affected people, caregivers, family members, health and social professionals, associations of patients, family members, hospital centers, socio-sanitary centers, primary care, technological and sector companies, health systems, governmental entities, NGOs, research centers, innovation centers, researchers. … and for a successful and integrated application of new visions in health.

In this complex ecosystem it is very important that new technologies can speed up and facilitate the processes and flows related to the information generated, from all its sources and information directions, and which are key in the diagnosis, prediction, treatment, evolution, evaluation and socialization, with a direct impact on the quality of life and control of many processes related to the disease and dependency in question.

There is a need for many technological ideas, derived from the proactive analysis of process improvement or direct problem solving, and adapted to the needs of the patient, the realities of health systems and the characteristics of health and social products.

It is for this reason that the eHEALTHINKING project was born, an e-health project incubator, accelerator, facilitator and assessor, based on three axes:

    1. a specific training program for entrepreneurs of technological projects with health and social impact,
    2. an accelerator of technological projects and,
    3. an ecosystem of companies and entities around technology, communication, chronic diseases and dependence.

That is why eHEALTHINKING has as its main objective to accompany an idea of technological solution in health and social, defining it, characterizing it, providing it with resources, capabilities and tools to make it evolve into a real product or service with all its accompanying validations and business definitions, and with the possibility of interacting, from the beginning, with entities of recognized international impact.

Get to know the eHEALTHINKING methodology.
Explore the entrepreneurship training of eHEALTHINKING.
Present your entrepreneurial project to the Business Angels in Health and Social of Manresa/Bages at the Investment Rounds to obtain synergies and funding.

Do you have an idea and want to be part of eHEALTHINKING? Do you have any doubts? Would you like more information? Contact us: e-mail: dri@umanresa.cat - Phone: +34938757388 ext: 730

With support from:

Cofinançat per la Uniço Europea
Departament d'Empresa

This initiative is part of the Programa Primer de Preaccleració 2024, granted by the Departament d'Empresa i Treball and co-financed by the European Social Fund Plus.

In collaboration with:

Departament d'Empresa

The eHEALTHINKING platform is an initiative supported by UManresa - Fundació Universitària del Bages, Campus Manresa de la Universitat de Vic - Universitat Central de Catalunya.

Do you want to contact us? e-mail: dri@umanresa.cat - Phone: +34938774179 ext: 730