We are an entrepreneurship platform focused on the development and acceleration of technological projects with high health and social impact. We accompany entrepreneurs in their adventure to develop a profitable product or service for people living with dependency or chronicity.

Specific knowledge in health and social, focused on dependency and chronicity

Continuous support in the development of your product or service project idea

Contact and follow-up with investors, business angels and the entrepreneurial ecosystem

Direct relationship with entrepreneurs, innovative experiences and successful projects

Support for concept development through 3D planning and design

Development and testing of the project using simulation methodology

Scientific support through direct contact with accredited research groups

Project evolution applying the scientific method and LEAN start-up methodology
Do you have an idea and want to be part of eHEALTHINKING? Do you have any doubts? Would you like more information? Contact us: e-mail: dri@umanresa.cat - Phone: +34938757388 ext: 730
With support from:

This initiative is part of the Programa Primer de Preaccleració 2024, granted by the Departament d'Empresa i Treball and co-financed by the European Social Fund Plus.
In collaboration with:

The eHEALTHINKING platform is an initiative supported by UManresa - Fundació Universitària del Bages, Campus Manresa de la Universitat de Vic - Universitat Central de Catalunya.
Do you want to contact us? e-mail: dri@umanresa.cat - Phone: +34938774179 ext: 730